Why Goal Setting is Important & How to Visualize Goals

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Why Goal Setting is Important & How to Visualize Goals

By: Erica Jade, MightyFIT Nutrition Coach and owner of Erica Jade Health

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One of the most important reasons to set goals is to work smarter towards reaching them, not harder. If you don’t set your goals, you won’t have a clear picture or road map to get to them. Instead, you’ll most likely get off track and spend time and effort on things that are not helping you reach them. 

Any time is a great time to start setting goals. However, the beginning of the year is one of the best because you have a clear start date and end goal date and lots of months to work towards them. However, before you start setting any goals you need to visualize exactly what they are first. Visualizing your goals is one of the best ways to manifest them and achieve them.

How to Visualize Your Goals

The first step in reaching your goals is to visualize them, for you, not anyone else. This may sound simple but, I think it’s one of the most important steps that is often missed. People can rush into things without taking the time to think if it’s the best thing for them, as opposed to what the outside world and society may be telling them. Take your time to think about what success really means to you, whether it’s losing weight, gaining strength, starting a workout program, or eating healthier. Once you’ve figured out what success means to you, it’s time to start visualizing how to get there.

 One of my favorite ways to set goals is to create a vision board. Here are some of my favorite vision board tips to help you along your journey.

5 Tips for Creating a Vision Board

1. Make it Fun, Creative, & Colorful
Include your favorite colors or styles. This will make it exciting, so it holds your attention and you’ll be less likely to lose focus.

2. Pick a Focus Word
Focus words help to keep it simple while also helping to remind you of exactly what you’re working towards. Here are a few examples: healthy, joy, intention, or relax.

3. Stretch Your Goals
Think of your goals and then go a little further by setting your target on something that isn’t as easily attainable. For example, if you’re physically active but you’re not a runner, make it a goal to add running into your exercise routine. Or, if you don’t eat a lot of vegetables, try a new one once a week. This can help you expand your normal actions, help to avoid mental blocks, and improve your confidence.

4. Use Photos, Cutouts, Notes, & Quotes
Put your goals down on paper, use images or magazine cutouts, or quotes from others. You’ll be able to see these on a daily basis to help motivate you and inspire you towards your goals. You can add and improve as you go.

5. Write Down Specific Goals
Goals that can be quantified, calculated, or tracked should be written down so you can monitor your progress. Like eating healthy meals for lunch instead of fast food, weight loss goals, or exercise goals. Don’t forget to use the back of the board if you need more space or add a small sheet of paper.[/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][vc_separator][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][vc_column_text]Need more help setting goals for a healthier you? Learn more about how our MightyFIT Nutrition Program can help you. Or, reach out to any of our MightyFIT Nutrition Experts and Coaches so we can help support you and guide you in the right direction.[/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][/vc_column][/vc_row]