10-Minute Vegan Buddha Bowl Recipe

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10-Minute Vegan Buddha Bowl Recipe

By: Erica Jade, MightyFIT Nutrition Coach and owner of Erica Jade Health

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As a certified holistic health coach and personal trainer, business owner, and puppy mom, I’m often on the go and pressed for time so I’m all about creating quick and healthy recipes that are easy to make – and delicious! I’ve also found that many of my clients struggle to find the energy to cook at the end of a long work day. So, I’ve developed some simple recipes to help cut back on the time spent preparing ingredients and cooking meals so that you can enjoy eating well without the added stress! 

Here’s one of my favorite go-to, plant-based/vegan recipes that uses á la carte prepared ingredients and bulk food items from MightyMeals. Their bulk rice and bulk potatoes are huge time savers! Instead of spending over 30 minutes prepping and cooking rice and potatoes, I just pop the MightyMeals bulk ingredients in the microwave for a couple minutes and they’re ready to go.

PREP TIME: <5 mins
COOK TIME: 10 mins


– 2 to 4 Tbsp. Olive Oil (for sautéing)
– 1 Tsp. Garlic (ready-made minced or chopped from a jar)
– 4 to 5 Cut Strips of Tempeh (fermented soybeans)
**You can also use tofu, seitan, plant-based sausage, or any vegan protein of your choice.
– 2 to 3 Handfuls of Baby Spinach (I buy mine pre-washed and pre-cut)
– ½ Cup Chopped Red Cabbage (again, pre-washed and pre-cut)
**I used organic baby spinach and red cabbage in this recipe, but you can also use kale, mixed greens, or any greens of your choice.
– Salt (to taste)
– Pepper (to taste)
– ½ Cup MightyMeals Bulk Brown Rice
– ½ Cup MightyMeals Bulk Sweet Potatoes
– 1 Tsp. Hemp Seeds
**These contain high levels of antioxidants, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins.
– ½ Avocado (cut and diced)
**Optional, for an added healthy fat.


  1. Coat the bottom of a sauté pan with 1-2 Tbsps. of olive oil and heat to medium.
  2. Add garlic and cook for 1 minute.
  3. Add the tempeh strips to the pan and sprinkle each strip with a little salt, pepper, and any other desired seasonings. Sauté each strip for approximately 2 minutes per side. When done, place them in your bowl (see pic).
  4. Add more olive oil to the pan to coat the bottom as needed. (I like using a spray or olive oil atomizer for cooking greens. Less is more here.)
  5. Add your chopped red cabbage and cook until it starts to wilt, approximately 2-5 minutes.
  6. Add your baby spinach to the pan, along with more olive oil as needed, to coat all of the vegetables. Sauté until spinach starts to wilt (approx. 2 minutes), then add each to your bowl (see pic).
  7. Heat the MightyMeals bulk brown rice and sweet potatoes according to the directions. (approx. 2 mins) Then place each in your bowl.

  1. OPTIONAL: Add avocado if you’d like.
  2. Sprinkle hemp seeds over top and enjoy! 

** Sometimes I like to massage kale with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper instead of using sautéed greens. This is great for a cold Buddha Bowl in the summer. 
** Feel free to get creative! I love Buddha bowls because they are so versatile. You can swap out the rice for quinoa, sweet potatoes for white or red potatoes, sauteed greens for other veggies, like broccoli, etc. Try a few different combinations to see which you like best. [/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][vc_separator][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][vc_column_text]Find more healthy recipes from Erica, MightyMeals’ Executive Chef Stefano Marzano, and other dietitians and nutrition experts on our blog.[/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][/vc_column][/vc_row]