The Whole30 and Carnivore Diet 21 Day Challenge from MightyFIT & DC Fit Chick

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The Whole30 and Carnivore Diet 21 Day Challenge from MightyFIT & DC Fit Chick

By Christa Aiken Meyers (a.k.a. DC Fit Chick)

[/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”10″ height_on_mob=”0″][ultimate_spacer height=”10″ height_on_mob=”0″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][vc_column_text]Hi MightyFIT Fam! Starting Monday, November 1st through Sunday, November 21st, I’m doing a Whole30® and Carnivore Diet based challenge with MightyMeals to have one last push for 2021 before the holiday season! First, let me explain why we’re doing this nutrition and weight loss challenge before I get into the details!

Why I Love the Whole30 Program and The Carnivore Diet

I personally like to do different short period fitness and nutrition challenges throughout the year. January is typically the Carnivore Diet Month and Lent is Whole30. This past spring and summer, I was getting ready for my wedding with this hybrid of Carnivore Diet and Whole30, and I thought I would do one more round of it before Thanksgiving, so I can enjoy the holidays!

The reason I like doing this style of diet is because you’re eating real food. It’s really that simple.

Growing up, my diet was the average American kid diet; Sprite, Wendy’s Spicy Chicken sandwiches, snickers, PB& J’s, every kind of cereal on the planet.  And I had HORRIBLE allergies and asthma, constant brain fog and stomach cramps all the time. And I just thought that was normal. I played a lot of sports, so I wasn’t a big kid, but I wasn’t healthy.

As I got older and tried to be “healthy” by eating Lean Cuisines and protein bars, I was never satisfied! I have tried all the diet fads that are pushed by fitness companies: plant-based, IIFYM, 6 small meals, etc.  And nothing stuck! I really wanted to find a way of eating that was easy, nutritious, and satisfying.

The Whole30 Program Helped My Allergies, Energy Level, & Weight Loss

When I first tried Whole30 for Lent in March of 2018, my allergies and asthma disappeared that spring. As most DC residents know, DC has intense pollen in March and April, and someone who has lived with that my entire life, it BLEW my mind that I didn’t need to take 4 allergy pills/day! I didn’t need to take any AT ALL.

I had way more energy, I wasn’t getting that occasional brain fog, and although I wasn’t weighing myself or taking measurements, from photos and fitting into my clothes I trimmed down noticeably. 

The Carnivore Diet Increased My Energy & Almost Eliminated My Cravings

 I tried the Carnivore Diet the following Lent, March-April 2019, which is more restrictive than The Whole30. It was more challenging than Whole30 because all you’re eating is meat for 40 days (lol).  Unlike Whole30, on the Carnivore Diet you can have all animal products like milk and cheese, but for me, my body and stomach don’t react well to dairy. 

The first two weeks were an adjustment, but after getting over that hump, you would have thought I was the energizer bunny!! Physically, I felt amazing. The craving for fruits or any carbs went down to nearly no cravings by the end of the 40 days. The Carnivore Diet is amazing for people who have intense allergies. I have Oral Allergy Syndrome, which means I’m allergic to a ton of raw fruits and vegetables. On Whole30 you can eat basically all fruits and vegetables, but for me to eliminate all of them from my diet for 40 days and then slowly introduce them back in really helped me to pinpoint exactly what foods made me feel good and what foods that did not sit well with me.

The Whole30 and Carnivore Diet 21 Day Challenge

 For this 21 Day Challenge, I decided to do a hybrid of the Whole30 and Carnivore Diet. This means there are some things you can say “YES” to, and some things to say “NO” to.

“YES” Foods, Drinks, and Ingredients

Vegetables (even potatoes!)
Coconut Water (without sugar!)
Coconut Aminos
Oils – For cooking, I use coconut oil, EVOO, ghee or butter.
Fruit Juice – Organic fruit juice might be called for some recipes, and that’s A-ok!
Dressings and condiments!

– Look at the label, there are a lot of hidden sugars and preservatives which we want to avoid. Primal Kitchen has a great selection of sugar free condiments and dressings. 

“NO” Foods, Drinks, and Ingredients 

Sugar – Of any kind! This includes syrup, honey, agave, fruit extract, etc.
Gluten Free substitute grains (like quinoa)
Canola Oil
Dark Chocolate
Vegetable Oils
Safflower/Sunflower Oils

Here’s a handy guide for foods and ingredients from The Whole30 Program, if you are unsure.

Here’s My Meal Plan and What You Can Order! 

Monday 11/1 – MightyMeals Flank Steak & Steamed Broccolini (Whole30)
Wednesday 11/3 – LIVE- Sweet potato club sandwiches (Whole30)
Friday- 11/5 – MightyMeals Turkey Bolognese Spaghetti Squash (Whole30)

Monday 11/8 – MightyMeals Salmon & Vegetable Medley (Whole30)
Wednesday 11/10 – LIVE with ERICA at NOON- SURPRISE (will be Whole30 approved)
Friday 11/17 – MightyMeals Steak Huevos Rancheros (Carnivore, not whole30)

Monday 11/15 – MightyMeals Shrimp & MightyMeals Flank Steak  for a Surf & Turf Salad (Whole30)
Wednesday 11/17 – LIVE Burger on Mushrooms (whole30)
Friday 11/19 – MightyMeals Lemon Pepper Steak & Brussels Sprouts w/Bacon (Carnivore & Whole30 Approved!)

Nutrition & Weight Loss Challenge Tips

You want to stay away from foods that lead to mindless eating consumption, or anything that will tempt you too much. For example, if there are protein bars that are Whole30 approved (including all the ingredients), but you know that you can’t only have just one (ahem, talking to myself here). Then, you should put them on your personal “NO” list. 

How Much Time Does the Nutrition & Weight Loss Challenge Take?

Does the Whole30/Carnivore Diet take time and energy to actually cook your own meals? Of course!  Which is why I’m partnering with MightyMeals because I know they have pre-made meals that are already Whole30 approved. They are healthy and TASTY!!  They also offer bulk food to order if I want to mix it up and get adventurous with #CookingWithChrista.

Treat Your Body Like a Temple 

I think we have all heard that the average American gains weight over the holidays.  This is not groundbreaking news. This challenge is not all about losing weight, it’s about treating your body like the temple it is! Our body craves nutrient dense food, so let’s spend 3 weeks before the holiday season to spend time on ourselves! Your body will thank you!

Some of my favorite MightyMeals are

Turkey Bolognese Spaghetti Squash

Salmon Nicoise Salad 

Challenge Rewards! 

The payoff of this challenge is not only being healthier by eating more nutritious, nutrient dense foods and meals. You also get a chance to win several MightyMeals Gift Cards!

Win a Weekly $50 MightyMeals Gift Card Giveaway

Starting Monday, November 1st, MightyMeals will be giving a $50 MightyMeals Gift Card away EVERY WEEK, for three weeks.

To enter, all you need to do is post about how you want to participate and tag both @eatmightymeals AND @DCFitChick. The winners for each week will be randomly selected and announced the following Monday (Nov. 8, Nov. 15, and Nov. 22), on the MightyMeals Instagram page.

 Win a $200 MightyMeals Gift Card

The grand winner of the 21-day challenge will receive a $200 MightyMeals Gift Card. 

To enter, beginning Monday, Nov. 22 through Wednesday, Nov. 24, post a reel (preferred), picture, or video on Instagram about your results and experience and tag both @eatmightymeals and @dcfitchick.[/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″ height_on_mob=”0″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″ height_on_mob=”0″][vc_separator][ultimate_spacer height=”20″ height_on_mob=”0″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″ height_on_mob=”0″][vc_column_text]TUNE IN to MightyMeals’ Instagram Page tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2021, as I go live to give you all of the details about this fun challenge! 

DON’T FORGET to tag us at @dcfitchick and @eatmightymeals in your stories and pics to be entered![/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″ height_on_mob=”0″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″ height_on_mob=”0″][vc_separator][ultimate_spacer height=”20″ height_on_mob=”0″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″ height_on_mob=”0″][vc_column_text]About Christa

Christa Aiken Meyers is a Washington, DC native, and fitness expert. After graduating from Roanoke College with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise Science / Sports Communications. Christa came back to the DMV to pursue her dream of becoming a Washington Football Team Cheerleader and spent four amazing years on the squad! Christa’s most memorable time on the team was when she went to Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and Afghanistan to perform for the troops.

Since being in the fitness industry for the past 12 years, she has been named one of the top trainer’s the DMV area by The Washingtonian, and has been on Daily Mail, ESPN, Sports Illustrated, Inside Edition, TMZ, Bleacher Report, The Chive, Bro Bible, NBC 4 Washington, Fox 5 DC, Hot 99.5, and SportsTalk 980. 

When Christa is not working on her fitness, she is a full time Realtor licensed in DC, Maryland and Virginia.  Christa recently got married this past August and lives in Potomac with her husband.

You can follow Christa on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, or contact her about physical training or group exercise at DC Fit Chick.[/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″ height_on_mob=”0″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″ height_on_mob=”0″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]