Team MightyFIT Spotlight: Ashley Morrison

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Team MightyFIT Spotlight: Ashley Morrison

By: Christine Bean

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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”2/3″][ultimate_spacer height=”0″ height_on_tabs=”0″ height_on_tabs_portrait=”0″ height_on_mob_landscape=”0″ height_on_mob=”20″][vc_column_text]Meet Ashley Morrison, one of our Team MightyFIT ambassadors and a team captain of the Washington Football Entertainment Team. Learn about why fitness and nutrition has been instrumental in her life since childhood, and how MightyMeals’ variety keeps her coming back for more! 

How did you get your start in the fitness industry?

Ashley: I grew up dancing in the Virginia Beach area, and I come from a military family. My father was a Navy Seal, so fitness, health, and nutrition were very important to my family.  Essentially, that was the foundation of my youth. I went to Virginia Tech for college and was on the dance team there all four years. I got into weightlifting and dove deep into taking my nutrition one step further. I coached for a year there after graduating, and then moved-up to the D.C. area when I began cheering for the Washington Football Team in 2017.  [/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][vc_column_text]What is your best piece of nutrition advice?

Ashley: Figure out what works best for YOU. During college, I discovered that I had several food allergies and food sensitivities. I was so focused on being in the best shape possible and at peak performance, that I found myself taking advice from anyone and everyone and not really listening to my body. I soon realized that I had to be selfish and do what was best for me in order to be my best self. What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for everyone else. Everyone has an opinion, but only you know your body.   

How did you get connected with MightyMeals?

Ashley: In 2019, one of MightyFIT’s nutritional coaches, Chase, of Trophy Body Personal Training, became one of the personal trainers for the Redskins cheerleaders. I was on the fitness committee at the time, leading physical fitness and training advice for the team, so I worked closely with Chase and he became a mentor. So, I have known about MightyMeals for a few years now!

Why do you love MightyMeals?

Ashley: I have a lot of dietary preferences and restrictions, in addition to my very busy schedule of practice multiple times a week and game days, so MightyMeals makes it easy for me. I love that it is convenient, quality, delicious food, and dinner is one less thing I have to think about. I’ve never found a meal prep service like MightyMeals. There’s so much variety and I never get bored of the food, which is saying something because I have been eating MightyMeals for a long time!

What is your favorite MightyMeal dish?

Ashley: It’s a toss-up between the Chicken Cobb Salad and the Chicken Fajita Bowl! So good.

About Ashley

Ashley Morrison is currently in her fifth NFL season with Washington Football after joining the team as a Cheerleader in 2017. Prior to cheering for Washington, Ashley attended Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, where she received her Bachelors of Science in Hospitality Tourism Management and Marketing. She was also a member and Captain of the HighTechs Varsity Dance Team cheering on the Hokies on gameday, and attended numerous College National Dance Alliance (NDA) Competitions in Daytona Beach.

Ashley is a Dance Team Captain for the Washington Football Team Entertainment Team alongside several former First Ladies of Football. One of her favorite parts of being an NFL cheerleader is the opportunity to travel on Military Appreciation Tours. She currently resides in Arlington, Virginia, and in her free time enjoys working out and traveling.You can follow Ashley on Instagram and the Washington Football Entertainment Team on Instagram. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][vc_separator][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][vc_column_text]Become a Team MightyFIT Ambassador!

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