Spotlight on Laura Legend, RD

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Spotlight on Laura Legend, RD

By: Christine Bean

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Meet Laura Legend; registered dietitian, certified personal trainer, and MightyMeals’ newest guest contributor.  Learn about how she helps her clients fuel their bodies optimally with sustainable nutrition plans, and why MightyMeals is her top choice for a healthy, grab-and-go meal.

How did you get your start in the health and nutrition field?

Laura: I became a registered dietitian and personal trainer because I liked the preventative side of wellness, especially the nutrition and fitness component of that. After graduating from college, I started working as a dietitian. I worked in community nutrition programs doing nutrition education and on the clinical side, as well. During this time, I was really into weightlifting and bodybuilding, as well. I began nutrition counseling for lifters and fell in love with body composition and eating for optimal performance. I learned more about sports nutrition, and started Legend Wellness in 2017. The majority of my nutrition counseling is done online. I help a wide variety of people, some who want to lose weight, others are bodybuilders or athletes trying to optimize their athletic performance through nutrition. My nutrition plans are individualized and 100% customized; it’s not just about macros. I am able to help people with behavior change, and cater to certain health conditions. My focus is on long term sustainability; finding a plan that works for each of my clients and teaching them the ideal way to eat for their particular body. By the time I wrap up with my clients, they know what to eat, the correct portion sizes, and how to fuel their body optimally for their exercise level. In addition to working with individuals, I also work with companies doing educational wellness events at corporate offices, apartment complexes, etc.

What’s your best nutrition advice?

Laura: Eat more whole foods and do something sustainable, and it will be easy to get yourself on the right path of healthy eating. With everyone’s busy lifestyles, we are so accustomed to convenience and the “grab-and-go” lifestyle. Simply swapping-out packaged processed foods with more whole foods is the best place to start if you’re looking to make a healthier change. 

How did you find MightyMeals?

Laura: I discovered MightyMeals through working with my clients online and through local fitness and nutrition professionals in the DMV. A lot of my clients don’t cook, so I had to search for a healthy and easy solution for them. I came across MightyMeals and I instantly loved what I saw. It was exciting to see the bulk items on the menu, and I loved that the nutrition info is listed on the website for each meal.

What do you love about MightyMeals?

Laura: I always have MightyMeals on hand because, with my busy schedule, it ensures that I fuel and recover properly for my workouts. The bulk options are totally game-changers for me in terms of convenience. I can portion out meals that fit my needs and know that I am getting a healthy, quick, and wholesome meal. I consistently refer my nutrition clients to MightyMeals because I know that having healthy meals at their fingertips helps with compliance and habit change. 

What’s your favorite MightyMeal dish?

Laura: Definitely the Mediterranean Power Bowl!

About Laura

Laura is a registered dietitian and certified personal trainer. She earned her Bachelors of Science from James Madison University and completed her Dietetic Internship through Iowa State University. She has over 7 years of experience in nutritional counseling in both private practice and community settings. She has developed and led various nutrition education classes including diabetes management, prenatal nutrition, infant/toddler nutrition, weight loss and health management. In the private practice setting, Laura specializes in weight loss and sports performance. Her clientele varies from bariatric patients preparing for surgery to bodybuilders eager to get on stage.

Laura is certified as a personal trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) since 2013 providing in-person and online exercise recommendations for over 100 clients. She is an active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics as well the American College of Sports Medicine.[/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][/vc_column][/vc_row]