Spotlight on Katherine Cresto; MightyMeals 6th Anniversary Giveaway Winner

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Spotlight on Katherine Cresto; MightyMeals 6th Anniversary Giveaway Winner

By: Christine Bean

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Meet longtime MightyMeals customer Katherine Cresto; photographer, yoga instructor, new mom, and MightyMeals’ 6th Anniversary Giveaway Winner of a year’s worth of MightyMeals! Learn about her photography business and how MightyMeals has boosted her nutrition throughout pregnancy, postpartum, and all busy seasons of life.

Tell me about your business and how you got your start in the photography industry.

Katherine: I run a photography business, Katherine Cresto Photography. I’m a natural light portrait photographer specializing in families, children, and couples. People joke with me and say, “It’s like showbiz, you aren’t supposed to work with children and animals!” But, I love the circus of that! I have been doing it on the side since college and I continued over the years. When I moved to Virginia, I took a job in consulting while continuing to build my photography business on the side. I love capturing authentic moments, and I thrive on being behind the lens to document the moments that define our lives. 

How did you discover MightyMeals? 

Katherine: I found out about MightyMeals from a co-worker and her husband. He is a fitness instructor and would always talk about how he loved the low carb options that MightyMeals offered. When the pandemic hit, I got pregnant. I had ordered various meal kits trying to build-up my confidence in cooking, but between pregnancy exhaustion, working, and the stress of the pandemic, I decided to try MightyMeals and was hooked. It quickly became a staple for me and my husband! 

How did nutrition impact your pregnancy and postpartum?

Katherine: Nutrition is so important to me, and it was especially important during pregnancy. I made sure I was eating healthy for me and for the baby. Right before the pandemic, I got certified as a yoga instructor. I was doing yoga at home, I have always been active, and I danced growing up. I was working a lot, so ordering MightyMeals often was critical! Some of my favorite dishes while pregnant were the Low Carb Korean Burger, Mediterranean Power Bowl, and BBQ Beef Mac. I am taking a little pause from those because I ate them all the time during pregnancy!  Once I gave birth, my awesome community of friends organized a meal train, and as soon as that stopped we were like, “Oh my gosh we need to get back to MightyMeals!”  I nursed my son and I was so exhausted, so I found myself snacking more often than eating meals, which impacted my milk supply. I soon realized that if I ate a full, healthy meal, it was a totally different situation and my milk supply was back up again. We have continued to do MightyMeals now that I am back up-and-running with work. There is nothing more convenient for a busy, working, new mom than being able to just pull out a meal and pop it into the microwave. I also love that it’s a local business and I know where the food is coming from. 

What do you love about MightyMeals?

Katherine: I love that MightyMeals is so quick and easy, and it’s not a subscription service. You don’t have to worry about pausing it, you can order whenever. My husband is in grad school, and going into finals week we knew that we were definitely going to place a big MightyMeal order and not even think about cooking that week!  I grew up in Southern California in a household with various dietary restrictions; my mom is vegetarian, my brother is vegan, and my dad doesn’t eat red meat. I always think about that when I see MightyMeals’ amazing filter feature. Meals and nutrition are not one size fits all, and I appreciate the customization MightyMeals offers. 

What are your current favorite MightyMeals dishes?

Katherine: Right now I am loving the Buffalo Chicken Salad and the Carnitas Enchilada![/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][vc_column_text]About Katherine

When she doesn’t have a camera in hand, Katherine is hiking with her husband, son, and Rhodesian Ridgeback dog, painting, reading, or watching nerdy tv shows. While she is currently based in Northern Virginia, she was born and raised in Southern California and realized her love for art and photography (in particular) at an early age. She loves to travel and explore, and that curiosity and sense of adventure has informed her visual aesthetic.[/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][vc_column_text]

Photos courtesy of Aaron Wong Photography

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