Spotlight on Kareen Lawson: MightyMeals 30 Day Challenge Grand Prize Winner

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Spotlight on Kareen Lawson: MightyMeals 30 Day Challenge Grand Prize Winner

By: Christine Bean

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Meet Kareen Lawson; MightyMeals’ 30 Day Challenge Grand Prize Winner, and longtime MightyMeals customer! Learn about why she loves MightyMeals and how it helps her stay on track with her busy and active lifestyle. 

What do you do for a living and how is health & fitness an integral part of your life?

Kareen: I am a retired early childhood educator. After I retired several years ago, I turned what had been my side hustle into my main hustle. I have been coaching for Potomac River Running for eight winters now, and this is also my ninth year coaching for Run Fit Kidz.  I started running as an adult in my late-30’s for weight loss and unexpectedly began to love it!  In addition to running, I enjoy CrossFit and I am an avid hiker. Now I plan on being an avid Peleton-er! When my daughter graduated from high school, I realized I lost a big group of friends because I was no longer spending my days at swim meets, cross-country meets, or track meets! I started to wonder if I would ever find a great group of friends again. So, in September of 2012 I joined the running program at Potomac River Running.  I met great people and my love for running grew. I decided to get my coaching certification in February of 2013. I started coaching with Run Fit Kidz first, and then the opportunity came up with Potomac River Running. I’m thankful to love what I do!

How did you discover MightyMeals? 

Kareen: Through Potomac River Running!  I swear I had to have been one of your first customers! I have been a loyal MightyMeals customer for many years. My husband and I are empty-nesters, and we work opposite schedules.  Cooking was getting to be problematic, so we discovered MightyMeals at just the right time. It’s great that we can each choose the meals we like, because we definitely have our individual favorites!

What do you love about MightyMeals?

Kareen: Well, number one, they’re delicious!! I’ve never tried a MightyMeal that I don’t like. No matter where I am in my nutritional journey (I’ve tried low carb diets, you name it,) MightyMeals has been able to integrate into my lifestyle seamlessly. It’s tasty, convenient, and super easy. There is something for everyone. Now that I am doing CrossFit, I have a lot of friends who count macros, and MightyMeals makes that easy. I am always on the road going from job-to-job and I don’t have a lot of time between gigs. Just two minutes in the microwave saves me from going through a drive-thru. I’m never tempted to get fast food when I know I have MightyMeals waiting for me at home! It doesn’t get much quicker than MightyMeals and everything always tastes fresh.

What’s your favorite MightyMeals dish?

Kareen:  I am in love with the Sweet Chili Chicken Soba! Steak & Gains is another favorite of mine. I am always amazed at how tender the steak is even after being reheated. [/vc_column_text][vc_separator][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][/vc_column][/vc_row]