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South Block cold presses juice in small batches (with love!) at their “micro-juicery” in Arlington, VA. Cold pressed juice has about 5x more nutrition than standard centrifugal juicing methods! South Block’s juice is made fresh daily with no added water or sugar! It is raw and unpasteurized. That means it is alive and full live enzymes + nutrients!

Mix and match six-packs of cold-pressed juices or buy one to three-day juice cleanses, which South Block dubs “a mini-vacation for your body in a bottle.”

For those embracing the celery juice craze, six-packs of freshly cold-pressed celery juice can also be delivered straight to your door.


The South Block Juice Cleanse is like a little mini-vacation for your body…in a bottle. A juice cleanse is a natural way to load your body with necessary nutrients while at the same time giving your digestive system a much needed break.

In as little as a day, you can flood your body with more vitamins and nutrients than you would normally consume in an entire month!

South Block makes cleansing easy & convenient… look for juices with number 1-6 on the bottles… grab one of each to build your 1 Day Cleanse 6 pack… and your are ready to ROLL![/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]


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