Skinny Jeans Jump-Start: A Dietitian-Delivered Group Nutrition Program

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Skinny Jeans Jump-Start: A Dietitian-Delivered Group Nutrition Program

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”10px”][vc_column_text]Author: Olivia Brant, RD


Hi MightyMeals family! I’m Olivia! I am a Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics and a trained Registered Dietitian. This year is just flying by and Fall is quickly approaching! I’m here to make sure you get on track and fit into your favorite Fall attire. I’m launching the first-ever MightyMeals sponsored group nutrition program called the Skinny Jeans Jump-Start starting July 22nd! 

What is the Skinny Jeans Jump-Start?

The Skinny Jeans Jump-Start is a six-week group coaching program designed to give you a push in the right direction. The six-week program will run from July 22nd through August 30th and is 100% virtual. I’m accepting 15 people into my inaugural group which will include six-weeks of live training sessions covering a number of topics. You’ll be given a weekly meal plan set at a 1,500 calorie daily intake and I’ll teach you how to calculate your metabolic rate, calories, and macronutrients so that you can adjust your plan as needed. The weekly meal plans will include MightyMeals options, but I’ll also provide DIY options for those who are unable to receive MightyMeals. In addition to the tangible weekly sessions and check-ins, you’ll receive a 10% discount on your MightyMeals orders. Even better will be the abundant accountability and support in your goal to re-loving your Fall wardrobe! 

Why Do You Need a Nutrition Coach?

A nutrition coach is someone that guides you and informs you on what the right food choices are, so that you may make informed choices on your own to create sustainable results that will last a lifetime. I am SO excited to see you progress toward your goals over the next six-weeks (and hopefully beyond)! In this program you will learn the basics of building a nutrition foundation that allows you flexibility in your lifestyle. We will cover how to eat out, travel, drink alcohol, and exercise less while STILL losing weight. After covering the basics, we will dive deep into some specific topics like nutrition for exercise, why fad diets will fail you, vitamins & minerals, and overcoming habits that are preventing you from staying on track. 



What Does the Program Include?

The six-week Skinny Jeans Jump-Start group coaching program includes: 

  • SIX weeks of MightyMeals sponsored meal plans, with grocery lists (*DIY recipes will be included if MightyMeals is not accessible to you)
  • Lists of my favorite snacks, simple swaps, and products
  • A private Facebook group for accountability & support
  • Access to my weekly e-mail list 
  • MyFitnessPal tutorials and food journal monitoring
  • Weekly group nutrition coaching sessions (macronutrient education, nutrition for exercise, superfoods and antioxidants, and many MORE)
  • Traveling, Eating Out, Restaurant Menu Analysis, and Happy Hour Survival Guides
  • Discounted MightyMeals orders for the duration of the program

I’m limiting the program to 15 participants, so register today at:

Connect with Me!
Check out Brant Sports Nutrition for details on how to join my one-on-one nutrition coaching program, or e-mail me, Olivia, at! You can also connect with me on social media on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Olivia’s Favorite MightyMeals Dish: Salmon Zoodle Puttanesca, Steak & Basics, and Turkey Bolognese Spaghetti Squash![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row content_placement=”middle” el_class=”mobilehomepagestartorder” css=”.vc_custom_1557503277925{margin: 0px !important;padding: 0px !important;}”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1557503284930{margin: 0px !important;padding: 0px !important;}”][vc_btn title=”Start Your Order” style=”flat” shape=”square” color=”chino” size=”lg” align=”center” button_block=”true” link=”url:%2Forder%2F|||” el_class=”startyourorderfullbutton”][/vc_column][/vc_row]