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Partner Spotlight: TITLE Boxing Club
By: Christine Bean
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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/6″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]This week, we sat down with John Sahakian, owner of TITLE Boxing Club in Rockville and North Bethesda, to learn about their unique, full-body workout, and how MightyMeals helps their members stay on-track when it comes to portion control.
How did TITLE Boxing Club get its start?
John: TITLE is a franchise that started in Kansas City in 2008 and now has over 160 locations in 22 states and three countries. I worked in corporate America for 20 years, and I left my job not knowing what the heck I was going to do with my life. I began working with a franchise coach in order to look into which franchises would be the best to own. They narrowed down the list of which companies I should look into, and TITLE was one of them. I flew out to Kansas City, met with the owners, and did the workout (and was extremely sore)! I was into fitness but had never tried boxing. It really made me appreciate what an intense workout it is. Boxing has been around forever, but people are just now realizing it is a great full body workout. So, I went for it; our Rockville location has been open for five years now, and we have a second location in North Bethesda.
What makes TITLE unique?
John: I would say, definitely the workout itself. There’s something about using a 100lb bag in your workout that makes it different. It’s truly a full body workout, not just upper body. People are always surprised when their legs are super sore the next day. It really works out your core too. It’s a huge calorie burner, and a huge stress reliever. You can hit that 100lb bag as much as you want, release a lot of endorphins, and feel like you are on top of the world. It’s really cool to know that you are learning an actual skill here. To hit a heavy bag requires a certain level of skill, and you feel like you are actually learning something. We really stress the word ‘club’ not ‘gym.’ Our sense of community here is a big part of who we are. There’s a really welcoming feeling when you walk in; our members feel like it’s their second home. We offer kickboxing and MMA, as well.
How did you get connected to MightyMeals?
John: I initially heard about MightyMeals through your Media and PR partner, Tiffany McCasland, who just happens to be married to one of my business partners, Chris. I then connected with MightyMeals co-founder Dan Graziano. We had a member appreciation day with vendors, etc. MightyMeals had a table set up, and it was a big hit. I’m always looking for ways that I can benefit my members so they can get more out of their membership here. It doesn’t hurt that the meals are fresh and delicious!
How does MightyMeals benefit your members?

John: A lot of my members are coming in specifically with a goal of losing weight. Portion control is a big problem; these days everyone is so busy and there is practically no time to meal prep. There are not always healthy choices around that are quick to prepare or eat. MightyMeals’ portion-controlled dishes not only help them lose weight, it saves them time and creates an opportunity for more work-life balance. TITLE being a MightyMeals pick-up location adds more value to their membership, and it has been a seamless process for our employees to adapt to, as well.
What is your favorite MightyMeal?
John: I have several favorites, but if I had to choose one, I think it would be the Low Carb Bulgogi.
About John Sahakian
John was born in Washington, D.C. and grew up in Potomac, Maryland. He went to Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda and attended Wake Forest University in Winston Salem, North Carolina. He worked 20 years for a Fortune 500 company, locally as well as in Germany and St. Louis. John has always been into fitness. While looking into what he was going to do next in the chapter of his life, he stumbled across the TITLE Boxing Club. John’s biggest enjoyment has not only been bringing the results people want out of a fitness routine, but the culture and TITLE family that has come from opening his first location in Rockville.
Connect with TITLE Boxing Club
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