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Partner Spotlight: The Conditioning Room
By: Christine Bean
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”10px”][vc_column_text][addtoany][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]This week, we sat down with husband-and-wife team, Mike and Brittney Savitch, owners of The Conditioning Room, to hear about their one-of-a-kind, functional fitness studio, and how their clients love the convenience aspect of MightyMeals.
How did The Conditioning Room get its start?
Mike: My wife, Brittney, and I opened The Conditioning Room this past July. I previously owned Verve Health and Fitness in Rosslyn, and Crossfit Praxis in D.C. I really wasn’t looking to open another gym, but this opportunity fell into our lap, and we felt like we should give it a shot. Brittney and I actually thought-up the name about 12 years ago and hoped to one day use it. Our partner, Dillon Behr, is a former Army Green Beret Wounded Warrior who has owned a CrossFit gym and helped us out in the past by teaching a yoga/fitness combo, Vetoga, which is really cool. We were excited when he approached us wanting to invest. Our mission was to develop a program that would be the complete package of health and fitness, designed for the common goal of improved strength, power, speed and endurance.
What makes The Conditioning Room unique?
Brittney: Mike has been in the fitness industry for a long time, he’s actually a bobsledder who represented the Virgin Islands in the 2002 Winter Olympics. We met when I hired him as my personal trainer, so a good portion of our relationship has been working-out together. A couple of years ago, I saw Mike get into a rut with fitness. It was slowly filtering out of his life, and I felt like it was such a shame because he was totally checked-out. I said to him, “What is it going to take for you to get back to enjoying fitness? This is our livelihood!” He basically said,”I don’t want to train to go to the Olympics again, but I want to feel the way that I felt when I was training. I want to feel like an athlete again.” He went on to explain to me exactly what that training was like. I realized that it was very similar to exercises that I was familiar with, but more fun and exciting… we just needed to make little tweaks! I had the idea of creating a program based off of this, that the general public could follow-along with and enjoy. So, that is our program at The Conditioning Room; a modernized strength and conditioning program that is complemented by explosive training. I’ve never seen these two programs programmed as a unit before; we are blending the strength and explosiveness together to create better movement patterns. We would rather have our members move weight well instead of focusing on how much they can lift at one time, (and possibly get hurt.) What we have created is something so different, yet still functional movement that will never go “out-of-style.” These exercises will benefit our members for life; nothing is linear in life in terms of our movement, so we are conditioning people to work in all directions.
How did you connect with MightyMeals?
Mike: We had tried a few different pre-made meal companies and weren’t in love with them. Dillon had gotten a free week of meals from MightyMeals and absolutely raved about them. He told us,“I seriously cannot believe I am eating something that’s healthy!” We immediately ordered some and honestly ate every drop out of each of the containers. Brittney and I were so impressed with the quality and taste, and we agreed with Dillon’s surprise that something so healthy could be so delicious! Even dishes that we don’t typically enjoy, we find ourselves loving the MightyMeals version. That says a lot about the quality, and we really want to offer quality meals for our clients. We believe that 5-8% of this whole thing is nutrition. With MightyMeals’ help, we have seen our clients get the results they want. It’s familiar, simple food; delicious and filling!
How does MightyMeals benefit your members?
Brittney: We’ve had MightyMeals here since our doors opened, and the response from our clients has been amazing. We’ve really been pushing it to our one-on-one clients. They love the convenience of having the meals available to pick-up at the gym. They tell us that they don’t have to worry about meal prepping, or what will happen if they get off late from work, starving, and end up grabbing something that isn’t healthy. Overall, the convenience of having healthy, pre-made meals has made their lives so much easier.

What is your favorite MightyMeal?
Mike- I’m a big fan of the Sweet Chili Chicken Soba; not gonna lie, some weeks I order 4 or 5 of them! Our 3-year-old daughter loves to eat the Philly Cheesesteak Pita with me, too.
Brittney: I am a Mexican fanatic, and MightyMeals really delivers on the Mexican front! I love the Chicken Enchilada Casserole and the Carnitas Tacos… so good!
About Mike & Brittney Savitch
Mike grew up in the Virgin Islands surfing and playing baseball. He was born an athlete destined for the professional level. While studying athletic training at Jacksonville University, he sustained a career-ending injury that would ultimately take him on a different journey. After thorough rehabilitation followed by dedicated training, Mike joined the Virgin Island bobsled team in 1995. He spent the next several years traveling the world, training with the world’s top athletes. The Virgin Island team qualified and then competed in the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah. This is one of Mike’s proudest accomplishments to this day.Mike has built a very successful personal training business with clients that range in needs, age, and ability. Mike’s expertise in bio mechanics make it possible for him to tailor each and every session to the individual. This ability has provided his business with solid client retention.
Brittney dedicated her childhood and early years of career to dance performance and instruction. She attended NPTI (National Personal Training Institute) and became a certified personal trainer. This certification led her to Arlington, VA, where she met and began to train under Mike Savitch. There she learned and began perfecting training skills that prepared her for personal and group fitness training. Later she took a position as the head trainer of a small boutique gym and dedicated her time and effort to Metabolic Conditioning training. She programmed a 7-day MetCon routine for the classes and instructed them all. Brittney then accepted a full-time position at Potomac CrossFit, where she furthered her experience in training both power and Olympic lifting in a group setting.
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