Partner Spotlight: Revive DMV

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Partner Spotlight: Revive DMV

By: Christine Bean, Photos: Revive DMV

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This week, we sat down with Revive DMV’s Clinic Director, Kian Kasserai, to learn more about their mission to help clients renew their health through comprehensive quality care with a holistic approach. We also found out how their customers benefit from MightyMeals’ meal prep services.

Tell me about Revive DMV.

Kian: Revive DMV is located in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and we opened our doors in March of 2021. Revive is a franchise originating in Southern Florida. We are a health and wellness clinic whose mission is to help our clients renew their health through comprehensive quality care, in an efficient and cost-effective manner. We specialize in hormone replacement therapy and we also offer IV therapy, ozone therapy, and facial aesthetics, such as botox, fillers, and microneedling. We also offer free blood work once per year with qualifying health insurance. Our most popular service is definitely our vitamin infusion IV therapy. We offer IV therapy memberships, or clients can just come in as needed. We have six registered nurses on staff, a nurse practitioner, and an aesthetics nurse practitioner. 

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Kian: Women and men alike can suffer from hormonal imbalances. Clients who come in suspecting that they have an imbalance can undergo an extensive blood exam that will show us any deficiencies they may have. Then, our specialists will come up with a personalized plan to properly balance the client’s hormones. Hormone Replacement Therapy can increase energy and sex drive, aid in fat loss, help build lean muscle mass, and improve focus and concentration. 

How did you discover MightyMeals?

Kian: Health and fitness are huge passions of mine. I compete in bodybuilding competitions. That’s how I met MightyMeals’ co-founder and Executive Chef, Stefano Marzano, years ago. I began ordering MightyMeals for myself and fell in love with the food. A couple of years later, MightyMeals co-founder Dan Graziano reached out to Revive, came in for some services, and we’ve had an ongoing relationship since then. We are like-minded businesses that share a similar clientele, so it really is a great match.

Why would you recommend MightyMeals to your clients?

Kian: It’s simple. MightyMeals is super convenient, and it’s delicious healthy food. It makes things so easy for people, like me, who never cook. I tell our clients that it’s the best way to stay on track with their nutrition goals. A lot of our clients are training or trying out new diets based on food sensitivities, so MightyMeals is my go-to recommendation when the conversation arises. When you eat MightyMeals, you know you are fueling your body with nutrient-dense food and zero preservatives.

What’s your favorite MightyMeal dish?

Kian: I’m a big fan of the bulk chicken and bulk steak. I do bodybuilding shows, and I’m in prep, so I get all of my meat from MightyMeals. It makes meal prep a breeze!

Learn more about Revive DMV and the services they offer on their website, or follow them on Facebook or Instagram to stay up-to-date![/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][/vc_column][/vc_row]