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Partner Spotlight: NPC Max Muscle Virginia (MMVANPC)
By: Tiffany Anzalone McCasland
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”10px”][vc_column_text][addtoany][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]We recently sat down with two inspiring ladies, Corry Matthews, IFBB PRO and Stacia D. Kelly, PHD who run National Physique Committee (NPC) Max Muscle Virginia, the only bodybuilding competitions with two female promoters!
How did NPC Max Muscle Virginia get its start?
Our first show was in 2011. My dream had always been to have my very own NPC show. I applied for about two years before getting accepted. And once I did, I knew I needed help and reached out to Stacia, who I knew from the Chamber as another woman who loved competing and was really savvy when it came to marketing. And that was how it all began. We eventually were offered a second show and ran with it. Last year, we were thrilled to be granted at 3rd show, which became our first Natural show. We truly love helping the athletes and providing a great show that allows them to showcase all their hard work.
What makes the NPC Max Muscle Virginia unique?
Our shows stand out for a few specific reasons. First, we are one of the only shows with two female promoters! In this male-dominated industry that is huge! Second, we go above and beyond for our athletes. We offer a stage preview (basically a dress rehearsal for the show), a mobile app that has all the competitors bios and pictures, and we also are the founders of So You Want to Compete which is dedicated to helping new competitors get started and veteran competitors help others. We are also known for unique trophies (example: rose cupcake bouquet for our overalls, custom tridents for our Clash of the Titan Show, hand painted canvas for our First Responders). We also offer “free” registration classes for our first responders and armed forces members with the paid registration for any other class. And, of course, a full photo package is included with registration for all our shows. No more taking photos during the show, your fans can watch and enjoy.
How did you get connected to MightyMeals?
Corry own’s a Max Muscle Nutrition store and Dan Graziano came in one day and introduced himself! We immediately knew there was synergy in a partnership.
How does MightyMeals benefit you and your business?
Our competitors are always looking for an easy way to survive their prep! Partnering with a food prep company allows that. We also love having the food for all the people attending the show. MightyMeals is donating gift cards for the 10 winners’ baskets and will have a table to serve food samples and selling meals on site at the show as well. It is awesome – we love MightyMeals and the fact that anyone can get a super healthy meal on the go.
And we just learned one more exciting detail…Mighty Meals will be providing a gift card to the trainer that brings the highest number of competitors to the show. Coaches need to eat too 🙂

What is your favorite MightyMeals dish?
Anything with their steak. 🙂 The Lemon Pepper Bistro Steak & Brussels Sprouts w/ Bacon is so good!
About NPC Max Muscle VA Shows: Home of 3 of the largest NPC Bodybuilding shows in Virginia: NPC Max Muscle Virginia Classic (bodybuilding & fitness show), the NPC Virginia Natural and the NPC Mid-Atlantic Open, Armed Forces, and the NPC VA State Show.
Close out your NPC season with the largest show in VA on Nov 9: The NPC Max Muscle Mid-Atlantic Open, Armed Forces & the NPC VA State Show! Register now and fill out your registration form. Follow NPC Max Muscle on Facebook & Instagram! And if you have any questions about the show email Corry and Stacia at: mmvanpc@gmail.com.
About Corry Matthews, IFBB PRO: Corry Matthews has been: “Inspiring and motivating individuals to achieve their dreams through building healthier bodies” since 1998. She is a professional athlete with the IFBB. Corry is the CEFO of Strength & Grace Fitness, Co-Promoter of the NPC Max Muscle Virignia shows in Virginia, and Co-Founder of the So You Want to Compete program. She also owns a Max Muscle nutrition store in Springfield, VA and co-authored the book 9 Months In 9 Months Out, a holistic approach to pregnancy.
Her work has been featured in numerous print and broadcast media outlets including: News & Messenger, NBC News Channel 4, News Channel 8, Body Fitness Magazine (UK), Flex, Max Sport and Fitness, and Oxygen.
About Stacia D. Kelly, PHD: Stacia is a martial artist and self defense instructor. She earned her PhD in Holistic Health and helps professional athletes (and those just starting out) with their fitness, nutrition and mental conditioning. Stacia is the CIIO of Strength & Grace Fitness, Co-Promoter of the NPC Max Muscle Virignia shows in Virginia, and Co-Founder of the So You Want to Compete program.She is also the co-author of “9 Months In ~ 9 Months Out” as well as the Amazon Best Seller, “Slim, Fit, Happy You”. Stacia has appeared on the Dr. Oz show and recently did an interview with Convocation Radio.[/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row content_placement=”middle” el_class=”mobilehomepagestartorder” css=”.vc_custom_1557503277925{margin: 0px !important;padding: 0px !important;}”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1557503284930{margin: 0px !important;padding: 0px !important;}”][vc_btn title=”Start Your Order” style=”flat” shape=”square” color=”chino” size=”lg” align=”center” button_block=”true” link=”url:%2Forder%2F|||” el_class=”startyourorderfullbutton”][/vc_column][/vc_row]