Partner Spotlight: E60 Fitness

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Partner Spotlight: E60 Fitness

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”10px”][vc_column_text][addtoany][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]By: Christine Bean

This week, we chatted with Doug Frantzen, owner of E60 Fitness in Arlington, about their top-rated, comprehensive workout style, and how MightyMeals keeps their athletes fueled.

How did E60 Fitness get its start?

Doug: My brother and I started throwing around the idea of opening our own gym when we noticed that boutique fitness gyms and group training style studios began popping up everywhere.  We are both athletes (I was D1 college wrestler,) so this was always something we wanted to do but seemed like a distant dream for a long time. We knew that people would definitely pay for a trainer if the cost is right. Personal training is expensive, so a small group personal training gym seemed like a good in-between. We dove deeper into weight management and fitness, and both created our own philosophies of how people’s bodies should move. We truly believe in the concept that the human body needs a variety of exercises and a full comprehensive workout each time in order for it to be effective long-term.  We have twelve stations that you can run with different types of equipment; treadmills, strength equipment, a turf area, bikes, rowers, punching bags, you name it. We want people to do a variety of exercises; our program is intended to expose all of these other training methods that are intimidating to people, especially strength training. 

What makes E60 Fitness unique?

Doug: E60 is intended to cover all the needs of the body in a single program. While covering all exercise disciplines, we emphasize resistance training for achieving lean muscle, which helps the body in the long run. We pack strength training, cardio intervals, and functional/athletic training into each 60 minute workout so that our members can obtain a well-rounded, optimally functioning, healthy body. We’re one of the only studios that focuses on strength; we have 70-year-old women doing squats with barbells! We change our exercise stations and circuits daily, while focusing on specific muscle groups, so our members get a targeted workout that challenges their body to change. We have certified personal trainers teach our program, and we track member workout stats in real-time using wearable heart rate monitors.  Essentially, E60 provides the benefits of personal training in a group setting for a reasonable price. 

How did you get connected to MightyMeals?

Doug: Soon after opening the gym, we started doing research on what types of services we should provide for our members. Dan and Alex stopped by and pitched us on MightyMeals; they were just getting started and so were we. I knew it was going to be an awesome fit right away; we’re right around the same age and we’re entrepreneurial spirits. At E60, we are on a mission to inspire a healthier community, and MightyMeals shares our same goal.  It means a lot to support a fellow small business, and we honestly love the meals. It’s been a major win for us and our members!

How does MightyMeals benefit your members?

Doug: It’s definitely made life easier for our members, and for us too. We want to cover the whole gamut, and nutrition is a big part of that equation. MightyMeals really helps our athletes meet their goals and enhance their nutrition. Eating healthy can be difficult if you don’t have the tools; you have to know which ingredients to use and how to put them together, not to mention the prep and cook time.  MightyMeals eliminates all of that stress. It also makes it easy on us when it comes to nutrition counseling. Our recommendation is always, “Eat MightyMeals!”

What is your favorite MightyMeals dish?

Doug: Steak and Basics, hands down! 



About Doug Frantzen

Doug has been an athlete his entire life, playing just about every mainstream sport imaginable, (soccer, basketball, football, cross country) but got into wrestling in high school for the discipline it required. Doug walked-on to Virginia Tech’s D1 wrestling team his freshman year of college, which really kick-started his passion for being physically fit. After his wrestling career ended, Doug got heavily into athletic training and strength training to keep challenging himself. Owning his own gym was a distant dream. With his personal physical success, friends began asking for Doug’s help getting them into shape, and as he paid more attention to the fitness industry, Doug noticed there was a lot of misinformation and misleading programs out there which weren’t really helping people get healthy. Still, he kept health and fitness as a side passion while working a career in IT; he even became a National Well-being Ambassador for his firm, Deloitte. The fitness studio scene started emerging with spin and Crossfit, and Doug could start to see the path to his dream and also be able to share his knowledge of effective workout programming. That’s how E60 was born. 


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