Partner Spotlight: CrossFit PR Star

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Partner Spotlight: CrossFit PR Star

By: Christine Bean

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”10px”][vc_column_text][addtoany][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]This week, we sat down with Ryan Cage, owner of CrossFit PR Star in Chantilly, VA, to hear about how his studio is constantly evolving, and why their members look forward to their MightyMeals orders each week!

What makes CrossFit PR Star unique?

Ryan: We get this question a lot, I do a lot of podcasts and everyone asks me this question.  About three years ago, I really started focusing on making this a business versus a hobby.  There is really a big difference between some CrossFit studios that are just a hobby business.  My staff and I are constantly evolving. I always say, “We either evolve or we die.” If we aren’t constantly evolving, then we will just be another gym that falls to the wayside in five years.  We are constantly challenging ourselves to be better than we were yesterday. We are one big, happy family here, and most people really come here to feel good about themselves. We aren’t just one niche of CrossFitters, we have a real mix of athletes here. 

How did you get connected to MightyMeals?

Ryan: MightyMeals has been with us for about a year.  Several of our athletes told us that we needed to check it out, and one of them was friends with MightyMeals’ co-founder Stefano Marzano, so he really convinced me to give it a shot.  The owners came to the gym, and immediately everything just made sense. The meals are fantastic; our athletes really enjoy them. The set-up was so easy, we actually already had an extra refrigerator that they made a few modifications to, and we were ready to rock-and-roll.

How does MightyMeals benefit your members?

Ryan: Definitely the convenience and nutrition factors.  We do a lot of nutrition coaching and focus on macros, so having that on the label helps our members tremendously. There is nothing better than being able to avoid meal prepping but still eating healthfully. Honestly whenever I forget to order for myself, it ruins my week!   Every one of our staff members orders weekly. It’s also awesome that MightyMeals is a local company, and it is something that we offer that many of our competitors don’t.

What is your favorite MightyMeals dish?

Ryan: This is hard…there isn’t a bad dish out there!  I really love the Spaghetti and Meatballs. My son is a big fan of the Turkey Meatloaf.


About Ryan Cage

Ryan Cage is the owner of CrossFit PR Star, which has been in operation since 2012, in Chantilly, VA.  He is also the owner of Cryotherapy Advantage. When he isn’t working on expanding his businesses, he enjoys spending time with his wife and three children. 

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