MightyMeals is Now on MyFitnessPal!

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MightyMeals is Now on MyFitnessPal!

By: Carrie Walco-Bowman

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MightyMeals is now on MyFitnessPal! You can now add your MightyMeals to your food diary so you can track the meals and snacks you eat along with your fitness. It is our favorite food and exercise tracking app–we use it during our 30-Day Challenge & Reward program and we highly recommend it during our free nutrition consultations. It’s one of the best apps to help you track what you eat, count your calories and macros, monitor your water consumption, exercise, and so much more. 

How MyFitnessPal Works

If you don’t already have MyFitnessPal you can download it for free from your app store on your mobile device or go to myfitnesspal.com on your PC. The free version allows you to track your food and exercise with no limits. You can even start your own blog to share your weight loss experience!

MyFitnessPal also has a premium plan you can try out for a free trial period. It includes meal plans, recipes, guidance and coaching to reach your personalized goals, food analysis and insights, workout routines, an ad-free experience, and more.

How to Add MightyMeals to Your Food Diary

Go to your food diary, click “add food,” then search for “MightyMeals,” to find all of our meals. Or, search for your specific MightyMeal, like “MightyMeals Low Carb Breakfast.” Then, add the meal to your diary and all of the calories and nutrition facts will be added to your diary for that day. Yep. It’s that easy. 

The Benefits of Tracking Food

If you’ve never kept a food diary or tracked your food/drink intake before, you may be surprised when you do. Tracking your food can help you highlight ways to improve your health and exercise routine that you may have never discovered.

Some of the benefits of tracking food are:

 – Highlights missing food groups and nutrients.

– Makes you aware and it helps to hold you accountable.

– Helps you reach your health and fitness goals.

– Shows you how nutrient-dense foods are more beneficial.

– Allows you to plan ahead and avoid overeating.

– Helps you see bad eating habits and change them.

– Educates you about how macros and nutrients can work best for you.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1629726350785{margin-top: 20px !important;margin-bottom: 20px !important;}”][vc_column_text]If you need further help tracking your food and meal planning, reach out to one of our MightyFIT Nutrition Experts for advice and a free nutrition consultation. You can also browse our curated meal plans from our MightyFIT Ambassadors, Influencers and Health Experts to help guide you in your healthy meal planning.

You can also follow MyFitnessPal on Facebook and Instagram for more healthy tips and advice about food tracking and exercise.

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