Keeping Your Immune System Strong

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Keeping Your Immune System Strong

By: Inez Sobczak, BS. Nutritionist & CPT-NASM

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”10px”][vc_column_text][addtoany][/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]“Food is medicine and exercise is the cure;” this sentiment is truer now, than ever. As a health and fitness coach, and owner of Fit-Nez, my focus has always been on helping my clients learn how to best fuel their bodies. During the Covid-19 crisis, I have put together an Immunity Guide in order to help each of us better navigate these uncertain times, while keeping our immune system strong. 

A poor diet combined with an intense exercise schedule, lack of sleep, and stress, can compromise your immune system. You are what you eat, so we need to make sure we are fueling our bodies with all the right nutrients, especially during this season of Coronavirus. Luckily, MightyMeals is here to help us stay on track. Now, it’s up to us to keep our bodies moving, hydrate, get enough sleep, and stay at home. We got this!

Download my Immunity Guide for wellness tips, recipes, workouts, and more. Check out the following Fit-Nez workout that you can do easily at home, to get your heart rate up and burn fat!

Fit-Nez 2020 Workout
Complete these 20 exercises for 20 reps each (2-3 rounds)

  1. Over and Under for lower abs 
  2. Squat Jumps
  3. Side Plank Oblique Rotation (20 each side) 
  4. Walkout + push up  (stand up) 
  5. Mountain Climber with  twist (20 on each side) 
  6. Full Body Crunch with 4lb medicine ball 
  7. Shoulder Taps
  8. Deadlifts (toes turned in) 
  9. Dips with Plate (25lbs)
  10. Pop jacks – thruster into a low squat, hands come up
  11.  Wall Sit -1 minute
  12. Superman
  13. Sprinter Sit-ups
  14.  Lunges
  15. Goblet squats
  16. Shoulder Press
  17. Renegade Rows
  18. Chest flies
  19. High knees for 20 seconds
  20.  Weighted Squat on Bosu
Pulled Beef BBQ

About Inez Sobczak

Inez Sobczak, founder and master trainer at Fit-Nez, has more than 15-years of experience as an innovator in health and fitness. Her approach to healthy living combines clean nutrition with a sensible approach to exercise that produces positive transformations for her clients. Inez stays focused on her Fit-Nez clients, helping them learn how to best fuel their bodies and their workdays.  She holds more than a dozen different health, fitness and nutrition certifications, is a national-level Figure competitor, OrangeTheory coach, marathon competitor and widely recognized expert in corporate wellness.

Inez’s Favorite MightyMeals Dish: The Pulled Beef BBQ

Connect with Fit-Nez: Follow Fit-Nez on Facebook, Instagram and visit for more information.

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