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How to Have a Mighty Weekend
MightyMeals Adds Second Delivery Day
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”10px”][vc_column_text][addtoany][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]By: Tiffany Anzalone McCasland

Does this sound familiar? You start the week strong, never missing a Monday workout and by Friday afternoon you are throwing back drinks at happy hour which leads to late night pizza. You spend all week being “good” and focusing on your fitness goals, eating your MightyMeals and then Friday comes and BOOM, sabotage.
All week I stay on track with my MightyMeals, but by Friday my meals are gone and I have to make it to Monday to pickup my next order at TrueBody in Bethesda, Maryland. Not any more, y’all! MightyMeals is now delivering meals TWICE A WEEK!! Starting October 4th you can order for pickup or delivery on both Sunday and Thursday! No more weekend excuses! No more canceling out all my hard work throughout the week!
Here’s How it Works
You’ll still need to place your order for Sunday pickup and delivery by Thursday at 11:59pm. Since MightyMeals is adding a second delivery day you can place an order for Thursday pickup or delivery by 11:59pm on Monday! FRESH MightyMeals ALL WEEKEND LONG!! ***Happy Dance****

You guys – I repeat – You can NOW get your MightyMeals TWICE A WEEK! So in addition to stocking up your fridge with MightyMeals, here are a few other tips to stay on track through the weekend:
Eat a healthy breakfast! This is one of my favorite tips for any day of the week! A healthy breakfast sets the foundation for the rest of the day. Eating breakfast starts your metabolism and helps to control your appetite all day. Add these delicious breakfast MightyMeals to your next order: Spinach and Mushroom Egg White Bites, Low Carb Breakfast or the Western Omelet. Having these in your fridge will ensure you start the weekend off right!
- Workout! Go to a new exercise class or go on a hike. Just move your body!
- Don’t skip meals! MightyMeals are awesome because you can just grab them and go! Often I eat mine cold in the car or at a picnic. The Bruschetta Chicken and the Low Carb Bulgogi are great cold when I am out and about all weekend long.
- Keep up with your water intake! It’s recommended that you drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water. Drinking water keeps you full and boost your metabolic rate. I try to aim for 120oz of water a day! Plus all that walking to and from the bathroom to pee will for sure get you to 10,000 steps! 🙂
- Think about how good you’ll feel on Monday when you didn’t sabotage the whole weekend! Try to wait until Sunday (or even Saturday night) to have your “whatever you want meal”! It’s much harder eating whatever you want on Friday night then trying to stay on track all Saturday & Sunday!

Be a Weekend Warrior with me and and order your MightyMeals by 11:59pm on Monday for delivery on Thursday! You can do it!
Tiffany’s Favorite MightyMeal: I love the Low Carb Bulgogi and the Turkey Taco Bowl!
About Tiffany Anzalone McCasland: Tiffany Anzalone McCasland is an award-winning strategic communications and marketing consultant. She is the founder of Angelle Media, a strategic communications consultancy with clients that include start-ups, nonprofits, government agencies, associations, real estate, and small businesses in the restaurant, health care and fitness industries. Her expertise includes a powerful mix of internal and external communications, digital strategy, content marketing, brand identity, website development, design and public relations. Tiffany prides herself on being a visionary branding expert who is passionate about creating strategic storytelling that captivates audiences and provokes interactions. She has a Master’s in Mass Communications from Louisiana State University and a Bachelor of Arts from Boston College. She resides in Washington, DC with her husband and son.[/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row content_placement=”middle” el_class=”mobilehomepagestartorder” css=”.vc_custom_1557503277925{margin: 0px !important;padding: 0px !important;}”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1557503284930{margin: 0px !important;padding: 0px !important;}”][vc_btn title=”Start Your Order” style=”flat” shape=”square” color=”chino” size=”lg” align=”center” button_block=”true” link=”url:%2Forder%2F|||” el_class=”startyourorderfullbutton”][/vc_column][/vc_row]