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Build Muscle & Lose Body Fat with MightyMeals
By: Virginia Kinkel
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”10px”][vc_column_text][addtoany][/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][ultimate_spacer height=”20″ height_on_mob=”0″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]As a Personal Trainer and gym owner, I’ve spent countless years helping others transform their physique. For everyone, a positive change in your physique changes comes from two factors: either an increase in muscle mass, a decrease in fat mass or a combination of both. While it’s easy to determine what needs to change, it’s much more challenging to execute a plan.
Fitness, what you’re doing for cardio and strength training, will inevitably have an impact, whether positive or negative, on your body composition. But that’s just a small piece of the puzzle. What most people struggle with is making consistent changes over an extended period of time in their nutrition. It’s easy to say “I need to eat healthier” but it’s much more challenging to know WHAT that looks like and HOW to make it happen.
Enter MightyMeals. Not only does this meal prep company provide delicious, high quality food and amazing customer service, their A La Carte Menu options provide the perfect formula to set clients up for success. With the bulk items, from meat, to veggies, to carb options, all it takes is portioning out the food and heating it up. This is especially important during times like now when it’s so easy to fall in the routine of minimal exercise and poor eating habits. Below I’ve outlined two meal plans that rely solely on MightyMeals A La Carte Menu items (minus one thing) and can be executed for anyone.
Below are outlines of two common clients we see at Bodymass including an estimated weight and typical body composition goals. While sometimes it’s actually easier to have a plan where all the meals are similar, that can become monotonous. To prevent boredom, the plans below include a variety of carb options, protein options and veggie options to allow the variety that most clients seek. While there is some variety, MightyMeals offers so many other A La Carte Menu options there are almost endless pairing options.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Client A: Weighs 150 lbs and has a goal of decreasing body fat and maintaining lean (muscle) mass
- 1 cup Liquid Egg Whites (measure liquid then cook)
- 4 ounces MightyMeals Roasted Red Potatoes
- 4 ounces MightyMeals Shrimp
- 1/2 cup MightyMeals Brown Rice
- 4 ounces MightyMeals Green Beans
- 4 ounces MightyMeals Chicken Breast
- 1/2 cup MightyMeals Brown Rice
- 4 ounces MightyMeals Green Beans
- 4 ounces MightyMeals Ground Turkey
- 3 ounces MightyMeals Sweet Potatoes
- 4 ounces MightyMeals Asparagus
- 4 ounces MightyMeals Bistro Steak
- 8 ounces MightyMeals Broccolini
Total Calories: ~1450
(45% Protein, 35% Carb, 20% Fat)
Client B: Weighs 250 lbs and has a goal of losing weight overall (ideally fat mass, but it might be a little lean mass too)
- 1.5 cup Liquid Egg Whites (measure liquid then cook)
- 6 ounces MightyMeals Roasted Red Potatoes
- 6 ounces MightyMeals Shrimp
- 3/4 cup MightyMeals Brown Rice
- 6 ounces MightyMeals Green Beans
- 6 ounces MightyMeals Chicken Breast
- 3/4 cup MightyMeals Brown Rice
- 6 ounces MightyMeals Green Beans
- 6 ounces MightyMeals Ground Turkey
- 6 ounces MightyMeals Sweet Potatoes
- 6 ounces MightyMeals Asparagus
- 6 ounces MightyMeals Bistro Steak
- 8 ounces MightyMeals Broccolini
Total Calories: ~2200
(45% Protein, 35% Carb, 20% Fat)
If you’re looking for a more individual nutrition plan based on where you are currently, specific food preferences and your goals, contact virginia@bodymassgym.com for more information. And, as always, head over to MightyMeals to order your meal delivery!
About Virginia Kinkel
Virginia & her husband Kris opened the doors of Bodymass Gym in 2016 after realizing clients want more out of a gym. With a combined 25 years of experience and a base of science-driven programming, Bodymass offers DEXA scans, resting metabolic rate testing, nutrition coaching, in-house physical therapy and meal delivery options to help everyone achieve their goals. Virginia is originally from Massachusetts, and began training while attending the University of Maryland where she earned her degree in Kinesiology. Her goal is to help people find healthy lifelong habits through Fitness & Nutrition. Virginia is a nationally ranked NPC Figure competitor, loves travelling, hiking, napping and spending time with Bodymass’ mascot, her dog Flex.

Virginia’s go-to MightyMeals menu item is definitely the Basil Pesto Chicken & Orzo… but my guilty pleasure is the Grassfed Beef Lasagna. I dream about those crispy edges… it’s SO good!
Connect with Bodymass Gym!
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