MightyMeals is the Official Meal Prep Company of Balance Gym

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MightyMeals is the Official Meal Prep Company of Balance Gym

By: Christine Bean

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Devin Maier, Managing Director and Co-CEO, Balance Gym

We are excited to announce that MightyMeals is the official meal prep provider of Balance Gym, a multi-award-winning fitness company with four unique locations throughout Washington D.C. We recently sat down with Managing Director and Co-CEO, Devin Maier, to learn more about their mission to make fitness fun and sustainable, and how MightyMeals helps their clients do just that!



Tell me about Balance Gym

Devin: I am the Managing Director and Co-CEO of Balance Gym, along with my business partner Mark Crick. Balance has been around for about 15 years now, and I have been part of the company for 12 years. We have four full-service, award-winning gyms in the D.C. area. We are big proponents of functional fitness and having fun; our mission statement is “helping people find balance in their lives by making fitness fun and sustainable.”  With that, we make sure whatever we are dishing-out is enjoyable. We don’t take ourselves too seriously! A big part of it is the community that we’ve built. We are a “work hard, play hard” type of group. It’s important for us to give back to the community. We have several yearly charitable fundraisers, such as a bike ride to the beach, a Fun Run that coincides with Valentine’s Day, and Pride is always a blowout event. Personally,  I have been in the fitness industry for 22 years, and became a personal trainer right out of high school after going through a total body transformation.  My business partner, Mark, and I train clients on a daily basis, work out at the gym, and just love fitness in general.  We really believe in practicing what we preach.



What types of classes are offered at Balance Gym?

Devin: Each of our four locations has their own unique assets and features, but all maintain a fun vibe and provide a quality place to train hard. We offer a variety of high-intensity classes, boot camps, 30-minute express classes, yoga, low-impact classes, circuit-style classes, and more. About 10 years ago, Balance Gym dipped our toe into the world of CrossFit, so we also offer that. We have a team that went to the CrossFit games and won 7th place in the world in 2018, and now we are operating two CrossFit affiliates in the DC market.  A few years ago we were introduced to F45, a fitness franchise which provides a 45 minute full body workout. We started opening F45 studios about 5 years ago, and we now have 8 in the D.C. area. 

How did you discover MightyMeals?

Devin: I have known about MightyMeals for quite a few years now. Several of my coaches and trainers have always raved about the food and kept telling me that we should partner-up. MightyMeals’ co-founder, Dan Graziano, actually used to be a trainer at Balance about 12 years ago! So, he was very familiar with our brand and our community already. We are very like-minded in our values and mission; it’s a great partnership.

Why would you recommend MightyMeals to your clients?

Devin: Well, number one, they taste delicious! At Balance Gym, we want health and fitness to be fun and sustainable. Food needs to taste good, bottom line. You don’t want to eat something that tastes like cardboard just because it fits your macros. Everyone I know who eats MightyMeals looks forward to eating the meals, and that is half the battle. The dishes are fresh, innovative, convenient, and very tasty!

What’s your favorite MightyMeal?

Devin: I am a big fan of the Caribbean Jerk Salmon! Perfectly cooked salmon, rice, and a veggie, and I’m happy!

Learn more about Balance Gym on their website, or follow them on Facebook or Instagram to stay up-to-date![/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][/vc_column][/vc_row]